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| Classifieds - Real Estate & Rental Property

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Memorial Day Weekend / Week
(Real Estate & Rental Property)

Memorial Day Weekend / Week (Real Estate & Rental Property)

For Rent, Townhouse, Unit 3G, May 23 - 30, Memorial Day Weekend/Week, on the Beach. Enjoy all the amenities Village West Offers: Indoor/Outdoor pools and mini golf, hot tub, game room, basketball/tennis courts, shopping, next to the trail, Eatery on the Lake, Water Sports Rentals, GREAT BEACH! Etc.

Price: Priced to rent

Contact: 712-330-2401

Submitted on: February 8

Village W. Resort
(Real Estate & Rental Property)

Village W. Resort (Real Estate & Rental Property)

Rental or Buy Prime time always week 27 July Always Friday to Friday .. This year enjoy the 4th of July in a resort the whole family will love . Everything is there .. boathouse ,restaurant , indoor pool , hot tub , outdoor pool much more . Elevator and faces mini-golf and can see beach ..

Price: Rent or Buy unit Serious inquiries only .

Contact: 9169348113

Submitted on: February 6

July week at Lake Okoboji for sale
(Real Estate & Rental Property)

July week at Lake Okoboji for sale (Real Estate & Rental Property)

Unit 1J, Week 27. This year dates are July 6-13. Closest 3 bdrm Townhouse to lake and beach. Enjoy all Village West amenitiest: Indoor/Outdoor Pools, Hot Tub, Game Room, Basketball/Tennis/Mini Golf, Breakfast/Lunch Eatery on the lake, Make-a-Wake water sports rentals, Best resort beach on the lake!

Price: $2,500 OBO. Maint fees are pd. Eager to sell!

Contact: 515-231-6428,call or text

Submitted on: February 5

Homecoming Weekend/Week July 19-26
(Real Estate & Rental Property)

Homecoming Weekend/Week July 19-26 (Real Estate & Rental Property)

For Rent, One Bedroom Lockout, Unit L8 A, close to outdoor pool. Enjoy all the amenities VW has to offer: Indoor/outdoor pools, hot tub, game room, indoor/outdoor mini golf, basketball/tennis courts, next to the trail, Eatery on the Lake, Water Sports Rentals, Best resort beach on the lake! ETC.

Price: Priced to rent

Contact: 712-330-2401

Submitted on: February 3