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Janice's Baked Goods & Crafts
You name it, she bakes it! Cookies, Pies, Rolls, Bread, Candy, Choc., covered strawberries, etc. Crafts and much more. She is set up at the Southpark Mall in Spencer on Saturdays from 10am till 4pm. Unbelievable homemade Valentines candies, from scratch marshm
Price: Misc.
Contact: Janice 712-240-2102
Submitted on: February 8
Only in Moneta, Iowa
People from Omaha, NE; Spencer, Iowa and surrounding communities played high stakes gambling in Moneta. Illegal liquor raids were in O'Brien, Clay and Dickinson Counties. Read all about it in Horse Hitches, Draymen and Icehouses The History of Moneta,Iowa. Available at all book outlets.
Price: $ $32.95
Submitted on: February 5
Aurelia, Iowa GUN SHOW
Aurelia, Iowa GUN SHOW All State and Federal laws apply Sat. Febr. 8th & Sun. Febr. 9th 9-5 Sat. 9-3 Sun. Aurelia Comm. Center Admission...$7.00 Children under 12 FREE
Price: Admission $7.00
Contact: Dave Peterson 712-299-3887
Submitted on: February 3
Sheraton Vistana Orlando
Sheraton Vistana Resort March 9-16. Beautiful resort with numerous pools, mini golf, activities and much to walk to. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms sleeps 6 persons and fully furnished. Call or text for details! No need to leave the resort, or a great place to stay for visiting the attractions!
Price: $1,500
Contact: 507-370-2551
Submitted on: February 2
A Must-Have Read
"Horse Hitches, Draymen and Icehouses, The History of Moneta, Iowa is available for purchase on many book websites. Book signings are at Spencer Library on March 22, 10-11 and Patch Eeten House, Hartley, April 5, 9:30-11:30.
Price: $ $32.95
Submitted on: February 1 (Updated on: February 2)