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Now: 13°F, 13mph


Hi: 31°F Lo: 9°F


Hi: 17°F Lo: 14°F

| Clark Museum of Okoboji Area and Iowa History

Business Description

History buffs be prepared to spend hours viewing the many unique items, pictures, and stories in the Museum's multiple buildings.

The Clark Museum is one of the largest private museum collections in the upper Midwest, including the largest display of pictures, stories, and memorabilia from the Iowa Great Lakes and surrounding region.

The large South Building contains many hundreds of pictures, each with a story describing the image. Thousands of business advertisements and other historical items are on display.

Spend time in the newly renovated North building by viewing scenes of the past, including many one-of-a-kind items from the Arnold's Park Amusement Park and renowned local businesses. The North Building also features a seating area where you can relax and take in the history.

Located on the western edge of Milford, just 4 miles from the Arnold's Park Amusement Park.

1 mile west & 1/2 mile north of the Milford, IA Catholic Church.
1 mile west & 1/2 mile south of the Milford Perkins Restaurant.

Large groups please phone ahead.

A registered non-profit has been established to promote the collection. Please contact the Clark Museum to find out how to make gifts to ensure that future generations are able to enjoy the history.

Summer Hours (June to September):
7 Days a week, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Fall and Spring Hours (April/May and October):
Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (closed Mondays)

Winter Hours (November to March):
Usually closed due to weather. Please call ahead to verify if facility is open.